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Flame Resistant

Belt Cover Grades

Flame Resistant

Belts used in mining industry need to be chosen very carefully, because of the flammability of the work environment and the required level of safety. It is critical to use the right product, specific for the application.


There is a number of test methods for measuring the performance of the flame resistant belts. Derby reserved special space in its plant for keeping fire test devices, in accordance with EN 12882 and EN 14973.

Derby Covers ISO Cover ISO Safety Class* Description
Flame Resistant F K / V / S 1 Above-Pit applications with risk only through electrostatic discharge
FR K / V / S 2A / 2B Above-Pit applications of abrasive material in potentially flammable atmosphere
FRF K / V / S 3A / 3B Above-Pit applications with additional risk of friction related flame
U-F K / V / S A Undergorund applications with risk only through electrostatic discharge
U-FR K / V / S B1 / B2 Underground applications of potentially flammable atmosphere
U-FRF K / V / S C1 Underground applications with additional risk of friction related flame
* Safety class is kept optional, in case it is requested. Technical support will be assisted upon request.